A couple of bits of news from our Groups. The Birmingham Group (pictured) has just had 24 hours away. A lot of fun and fellowship, with some deep reflection on how Matthew’s teaching helps us to flourish as Estate Churches. We are very grateful to Stephen Edwards for facilitating this.
The Leeds Group have just put out their January Mailing.
Before you read it, there are now about 20 Estate Church or Urban Church Groups around the country which are part of the NECN family. Please get in touch if you would like help getting one going in your area.
Estates Support Group
We’d love to see you to the next Estates Group Support meeting. It is taking place on Thursday 30th of January at St John the Evangelist Church in Bierley. It is easy to get to from the Motorways.
20 Bierley Ln,
West Yorkshire
As usual we will meet from 12-2pm and begin by worshipping and praying together. Then we shall share lunch together. Tea and coffee will be available, but please bring your own lunch. |
This is a great opportunity to pray together and support one another. It is a safe space so do bring any concerns you have or ideas you would like to explore with a few like-minded people. |
Annual Conference Day
We are currently in the planning stages for this year’s Estates Conference in Leeds Diocese and we hope to be able to provide more concrete details in the coming weeks. |
Annual Conference Day
There has been a lot of action going on with the National Estates Church Network behind the scenes. Robb Sutherland has recently been appointed a trustee. Since funding was secured from Allchurches Trust at the end of 2019, a lot of changes have happened to enable the work of promoting estates ministry to grow. With around 20 other local estates church groups like ours growing around the country, we can expect big things in the coming year.
NECN have also revamped their online presence with a new website and social media presence. |
Synod Vote Anniversary
On February the 22nd it will be the 1 Year Anniversary of the historic vote at General Synod ‘to see a loving serving worshipping Christian Community on every significant social housing estate’. There will be a series of things across social media to keep momentum going in the movement. This prayer will be used as part of that and we encourage you to use it that following Sunday in services.
Faithful God,
your compassion embraces all people.
Renew your church in service of the urban estates of our nation;
that anointed by your Spirit
we may bear witness to your power to heal and save,
and the transforming love revealed in your Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord.
Amen |
Estates LyCiG
For the last two years there has been an estates focused Leading Your Church in to Growth course that has been well received. Robb, Gordon and Martine have all be to it and found it a really useful place to share good practice with people who are all “in the same boat”.
Gordon Dey writes: |
‘LyCiG had a major impact on me as a Parish Priest in Holme Wood in Bradford. After an initial LyCiG ‘experience’ that challenged my own thinking and mission strategy, I was determined to take a parish team with me for a 2nd ‘bite of the cherrry’ so that we would retain and implement the key convictions we identified from the excellent teaching. I was also glad to attend the first ‘Estates LyCiG’ two years ago, and could see that the benefit of holding such an event enabled the teaching to be more relevant, and the networking more focused. I warmly commend the 2020 conference to all those who are seeking to grow their church – particularly if you are able to bring others with you.’ |
This year’s conference is taking place on 17th to the 19th of June. |
Happy New Year
Apologies for the long read. We pray that your estates church ministry is a blessing to all those you are working with and we hope to see you soon at one of our local gatherings.
The Leeds Estates Church Group |
One response to “Group News”
Thanks for the plug Andy!