National Estate Churches Network

Author: Support Officer

  • Coming in September – 1st Annual Charles Gore Lecture

    A new lecture series in memory of the first Bishop of Birmingham, Charles Gore, will be starting this September at Birmingham Cathedral. Charles Gore was known for his concern for justice for people living in poverty in urban areas. When St. Philip’s Church became a cathedral he decided to allocate diocesan funds to meet social…

  • Help for Families in Mixenden for Half Term

    As half term approaches we have some good news about how Holy Nativity Church in Mixenden have stepped in to help hungry families. Ash Green Community Primary School provide breakfast packs and food parcels to the most vulnerable families and families have been able to access the government free school meals vouchers. To fill the…

  • Who’s who @NECN

    Over the coming months we are going to take a look at who the Trustees of NECN are, their passions, their skills and what they get up to in and out of NECN. If you would like to get more involved, feel you have passion or skills which could be useful please do get in…

  • February News from NECN

    2020 what a year!! Whatever the year has thrown at you it has certainly been an unprecedented time. Much pain, bereavement, loss, stress, and uncertainty mixed up with furlough, time, creativity and new opportunity. In our journey out of 2020 let’s reflect on what you are glad to leave behind. What was a highlight? What…

  • February News from Sara Barron NECN Exec Director

      My name is Sara Barron and I am new into post as Executive Director. I am a Baptist Minister having trained at Bristol Baptist College alongside Trinity College. I have worked as a pioneer in the Baptist and C of E settings, enjoying the diversity and encouraging unity. I lived and worked in Leigh…

  • Interview with Guvna B

    Guvna B, a double MOBO Award winning rapper and author from East London, was recently interviewed at the Everything Conference, the focus of which is how Christians can renew culture. Guvna B has faced challenges and disadvantages in life but has nevertheless achieved some remarkable things. How has God has used these weaknesses or the…

  • Hope Community Witham

    Once again churches and communities are having to dig deep into keeping hold of hope as we start the New Year with a third lockdown. Today we bring you some good news of an estate church in Witham, Essex, the Hope Community. Their mission is ‘Bringing Hope, Being Community’. You can find their page on…

  • Merry Christmas to all our estate churches

    We would like to thank all our estate churches for sending in their photos at Christmas time. Here’s a reminder of the places that featured in our Estates Advent Calendar in the collage video below.

  • Merry Christmas from the estates

    It’s Boxing Day! If you have enjoyed seeing photos from our #EstatesatAdvent Calendar you can sit back and enjoy all the pictures packed in one musical video for Christmas. Celebrate the presence of Jesus born again on our estates…

  • Apostolic training for an indigenous ministry?

    Estates practitioner and priest, Joe Hasler offers some thoughts around training local people for God’s mission in extracts from his poem below. The whole reflection can be downloaded at the end of this post. Apostolic means ‘Go to’ or ‘being sent’. An Apostle meaning ‘one sent on a mission’.     We have had the…

  • Sara Barron NECN Executive Director

    The Board of Trustees of NECN are delighted to announce the appointment of our new Executive Director, the Revd Sara Barron.  Sara comes to NECN as a former trustee and Vice-Chair and brings with her a wealth of experience of, and passion for, estates ministry.  She introduces herself below and she will take up her…

  • News from CURBS

    CURBS is a small Christian charity set up in 1996 in response to the need for resources and training for church-linked children’s workers in inner cities and on outer urban estates. Like many charities we have been hit financially by COVID and they’re currently £8000 short to keep going this year. Because of this they…