Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus. They are giving away free prayer resources (you just need to pay postage/packing) and would like to prioritise estate churches.
Please see the message from Kemi Bamgbose below for more details and to find out how to order these resources, you can also use the links in the text to view a digital version.

We are delighted to let you know that once again we are giving away free prayer resources for Thy Kingdom Come 2023. It has been encouraging to hear how useful they have been so many parishes.
Most recently, at an Estates Churches Innovation Day, every clergy person we spoke with, informed us how transformational it was in the parish to have access to high-quality, inspirational resources for free and recent research has shown that Thy Kingdom Come is one of the most effective national interventions in the parish.
This year we giving away 50K copies of the Prayer Journal, Novena and 100K bookmarks with QR codes which link to the TKC website where you can access written and digital resources easily.
We would like to prioritise resourcing Estates Churches / Churches in parishes in communities with the highest levels of income deprivation. All resources are free – all you would need to pay for is P&P*.
Please do check the box on the form re. Estates Churches etc so we can ensure resources are allocated.
If you would like to order the resources, please use this form and if you can’t afford to pay for P&P – please do let us know and we will see what can do help. As a guide a box of prayer books for postage and packing is: 50 £22.50 or 100 £32.
Kemi Bambgose
Thy Kingdom Come